Muscadines are also the nutraceutical secret of the South. Nutraceuticals are foods that promote good health. They have more resveratrol than the classic wine grapes like Pinot Noir, more ellagic acid than a strawberry, are extremely high in calcium and soluble and insoluble fiber. There are over 480-biomedical research papers focus on the nutraceutical benefits of muscadines.
What to do with a muscadine? The healthiest thing is to make a puree including the seed. Use the puree to make pie, cobbler, breads and cakes, fruit roll ups of even in spaghetti sauce. You can leave the seeds out; although the seeds are high in nutraceuticals they do add a little bitter flavor to the mix. The seeds have the most nutraceuticals, the skin second and the flesh third. If you are eating them fresh you should eat the skin. Modern varieties are tenderer than older varieties.
My favorite is hull pie; see our web site for the recipe. They also make a fantastic Juice! Check for a steam juicer. The juice can be frozen for later use or used to make a sorbet or frozen pops. They can also be used to make Hors D’oeuvres by cutting the berries in half then removing the seed locule with a grapefruit spoon and stuffing them with feta cheese, crab meat or even peanut butter!
Please come to the farm and try them! Grazing is allowed and encouraged. Of course there is the sin bucket if you feel you have gotten carried away.
THE HAPPY BERRY UPDATE – Other Items of Business…
Tractor is fixed! and the Muscadine area is mowed! We are slowly catching up on the rest.
Please see how to pick muscadines on our web site. The muscadines will continue through September. We may be in the field when you arrive, so ring bell or use the Honor System if we are not available. Listen for the tractor for a clue where we are in the field.
Buy our muscadines at The Market at Keowee Town! And on Saturday 9/4, they are having a wine tasting. For more information please call 944-8000. and please tell them The Happy Berry sent you.
Figs are down to a trickle. Usually one picker gets them all. If no one picks them we will... after 11AM and have them in the cooler
Neptune grapes about gone. There is a lot of disease in them (Colletotrichum gleosporoides) and I apologize I did not do a better job. I am wrestling as to what to do. Top work them to a more disease resistant variety ??? Try to use better fungicides??? I am studying on the issue.
Venus, Jupiter and Mars seedless grapes are gone.
Blueberries are gone ...
Blackberries are gone and we nearing the end of pruning them.
Next will be Pussy Willows in early January.
We have had what we think is our best season ever. Thank you all for your support and interest in our berry farm!!!
Walker for The Happy Berry Bunch
updated 8/16/2010
Neptune Grapes & Muscadines Begin
We will start picking the NEPTUNE GRAPES Wednesday 8/18.
There are still MARS SEEDLESS GRAPES but you have to walk all the way to the back of the field (where you turn to come in our driveway). These grapes are delicious! The Venus and Jupiter are gone.
Picking time per gallon of BLUEBERRIES continues to increase. There are still some- mainly in the Tif and Powderblue, but they are in pockets, and you have to scout for them. Recent rains(1 inch 8/12, 0.25 inch 8/14, and 1/2 inch 8/15) after 25 days of drought, helped, but came a little too late.
FIGS have slowed up. There are still figs... just not as much volume as earlier. So the early birds are getting the figs.
The MUSCADINES came along quickly in the bronze types... especially "Early Fry" – and those picking conditions are already very good. The black and red muscadines are still not ready.
Grapes are not climacteric- which means they will not ripen after they are picked. If you pick them green or sour they will remain green and sour. You pick Muscadines one berry at a time. You do not pick clusters. The best way to pick a muscadine, bronze or black, is by softness. You need to look at the grape and judge by the color if it needs to be felt. Then feel the grape ... if it is hard do not pick it. If you think it is a little soft the next step is to do a test eating. Is it sweet??? is the skin tender??? Repeat this process until you learn by feel what is a ripe muscadine grape. If you look at the end of the rows you can see the names of the varieties in each row. The pollinators insects of muscadines, tiny green bees, move up and down rows and do not move across rows so that is the reason for two varieties in each row. The bottom line is- if you are using color to decide whether or not to feel a berry you have to associate the color with the variety. This is not as difficult as it sounds... after a little bit you will recognize that this vine is a little more bronze or this is has a little pink or this is a little more yellow so you know when to feel the grape. In no time at all you will become an experienced muscadine picker and with such big berries the bucket is fill very quickly.
From the north? Have fond memories of cherry pie? Well "when in Rome do as the Romans" ... the southern equivalent of cherry pie is hull (muscadine) pie. Check the recipe at our web site.
We made some great Muscadine Juice last year from both the bronze and the black muscadines. At Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner our extended family went wild over it. We used a steam juicer we got from Lehman's Supply, . They have 2 models $70 and $190. We got the $70 version and made about 15 gallons that we drank fresh and froze a bunch for the winter.
The JACQUES GRAPES are ready! These seeded grapes are only $1.25 per pound. They are great for juice, jams and jellies, pie and wine. This is a dark blue-black grape that has a good strong flavor.
PEACHES: Wed 8/18 and Thursday 8/19 will be the last delivery of peaches. Sweet Sue is the variety, and just like it sounds, it is a very sweet peach. Like other red skin peaches, it is not only a tasty treat, it is great for freezing and for cooking.
updated 7/27/2010
Jupiter grapes are going gangbusters! They are super sweet and oh so aromatic! The Venus are finishing up, but there are still some clusters out there. Mars are coming in. These table grapes are like nothing you have ever bought at the store!! Come give them a try! Be sure to bring your own snippers (Please do NOT tear clusters off the vine) and remember that grape clusters do not ripen all at one time. You’ll be moving along the grapes vines looking for ripe clusters – see our picking tips for grapes.
Neptune grapes are a white grape- and although they LOOK ready- they look like the grapes you see in the store- do NOT pick the white grapes yet! Rumor has it, that if you pick the white grapes, they will take them away from you at the porch- you can’t take them home! (We can’t have you eating bitter grapes, now, can we?)
We have started picking figs. Conditions are fair in the morning, decreasing to poor as they get picked over. Picking will improve to excellent by the end of the week. There are lots and lots of figs out there, just poised to ripen!
Peach season will go for about another 3 weeks or so. The first picking of Summer Pearl, a delicious white peach (a replacement for what folks might have known as Alberta), was Saturday 7/24, but supplies are limited. We have a good supply of Loring now and through the weekend.
CORN this year will go through the 1st of August or so. In case you didn’t realize, we have been able to offer some amount of corn from Crystal River Farm (in the upper part of the county). Just like with peaches, if you are making a special trip, be sure to call first, in case we have already sold out.
There are still some BLACKBERRIES- but you have to look down and inside of the bush.
MISCELLANEOUS: Don’t forget your buckets if you have them! And we could use a little rain dance. Any showers that come through the area seem to just pass us by.
****************************updated 7/19/2010
Venus Grapes Begin Tuesday July 20
We will start picking Venus Grapes Tuesday July 20.
Venus is a dark blue, seedless, slip skin, mildly aromatic grape that is sweet.
The dark blue means it is higher in nutriceuticals than yellow, red and green grapes. Venus will have an occasional seed trace, which is soft and edible.
Picking grapes is a little trickier than picking blueberries!
You must use Snippers (cutting implement) to harvest grapes. Please bring your own snippers. Ideally they should be pointed so you get at the point of attachment to the vine.
Sorry- for safety reasons, no children may use snippers. We are worried they will cut their fingers, as it is hard to see where you are cutting with all the foliage and the cluster on the vine.
It really takes a team to harvest grapes- one to carry the bucket and the other to do the cutting. Please be very careful to cut only the cluster of grapes and not the grape vine.
It is important to CUT (versus tear) the grape clusters (called "racemes") off. If you tear them off it creates a wound in which a pathogen, Botryosphaeria and others can enter and cause death of the cordon, and even the entire vine.
In addition to the mechanics of picking, knowing when grapes are ripe is also trickier than with blueberries.
Clusters on the vine do not necessarily ripen at the same time. Please inspect the cluster before cutting, to be sure it is uniformly very dark blue. If the cluster of grapes is uniformly dark blue the grapes will be sweet.
A reddish cast or even just single red berry or two in the cluster, and the grapes will be tart. Our grape fields are small so you may have to come back to try again.
Any questions, please ask the staff on the front porch.
Saturday we plan to start the Jupiter variety. It is also dark blue, seedless, slip skin, sweet, aromatic grape that is also high in nutriceuticals.
We are now picking Navaho and Chester blackberries. Navaho will finish first. The Navaho will be down, in, and under. The Chester variety is very productive but ripens over a long period of time. There are always lots of red berries. You have to hunt for the black ones among the red berries. If you have to tug the berry is not ready yet. Both of these varieties are thornless.
The blueberries are dripping from the bush…literally! The best way to pick them is to use a small container, which you stick in the bush with one hand under the cluster of berries and tickle the ripe ones off. If you have to tug they are not ready yet.
Figs should start about July 30, give or take a day or so, and muscadines in late August.
We look forward to seeing you in the field!
Walker for The Happy Berry Bunch.
updated 7/5/2010
BLACKBERRIES beginning to slow
Peak of Season in the Blueberries!!
Berries are dripping from the bushes and peak will continue all month or more.
The Centurions and Tifblue are in! The Climax and Premier are oh so sweet and still oodles and oodles. The Powderblue have started. The Delights continue to ripen. There are blueberries everywhere. Time to fill the freezer!
Blackberries are slowing up some. Good picking in the morning but with heavy picking pressure it is fair picking in the afternoon. We are picking Navaho and Chester along with Chickasaw at this time. The Chester have a lot of Red berries with king berry turning black. The Chester picks over a long period so got to see past the red and get the black. Some of the sweetest blackberries are down, in and under.
Even though the grapes have started veraison (the final stage of ripening, when they begin to change color), they are not sweet yet! We anticipate the Venus seedless table grapes to be ready by July 25 just 3 weeks away.
The figs should start by the first of August if not a day or two before.
The muscadines are beginning to show in the field so if you are out that way check them out.
Thank you ALL! We wouldn’t be here without you.
updated 6/29/2010
BLUEBERRIES with a crescendo!
Just around the corner... There are going to be blueberries just EVERYWHERE
on the farm. The Tifblue variety will start Wednesday and Centurions are
not far behind. The Delights are getting sweet. The Climax and Premier
still have oodles of berries on the bush, and with reduced picking pressure
(as folks start picking other varieties) they will be oh so plump and sweet!
We are putting our coupons in the local papers ."Pickens County Courier",
"The Pickens Sentinel", and "The Journal" in Seneca (on Thursdays only).
Also the coupon is now up on our website **Coupons are
are limited to one coupon per extended family, per day. The coupon is good for
for 1 pound free, either blueberries OR blackberries. This is a change from
last year - It has been a couple of years since we had enough blackberries
to allow the coupon to be redeemed for blackberries! Hurray for the happy
harvest conditions!
Grapes are starting to turn color but please DO NOT PICK THE GRAPES! They
are going through veraison. Veraison is the name for the final stage of ripening - it is
a viticulture term meaning the onset of ripening and the stage is marked by change in
color. It is a French term that has been adopted into English. During
veraison the acidity decreases. At the same time sugars are accumulated
associated with xylem discontinuities. The discontinuities reduce the
amount of water entering the berry relative to sugar. This final stage of
ripening is marked by the degradation of methoxypyrazines and release of
fruity aromas. **We will let you know when they are ready. GRAPES SHOULD BE
READY around the 25 of JULY.** We think you will find our grapes (Venus,
Jupiter, Mars and Neptune) are unique. There is nothing like them in the
Not everyone gets our newsletter so if you see folks looking at the grapes
with an eye to harvesting them please help us educate them.
FIGS forecasted to begin August 1, and MUSCADINES should start the last week
in August.
Eldon Zehr, our peach grower, is usually at the farm by 9 or 9:30 in the
morning if you want to give your peach grower a hug. This week he is
picking Red Havens and Southern Pearl. For those who love Coronets there may
be few. The peaches typically sell pretty quickly. If you are making a
special trip just for peaches, plan to be at the farm in the mornings, or
better yet, call first! 864-350-9345
updated 6/15/2010
Now picking EVERYTHING except Chester
Picking conditions are Good. We are currently picking Climax and Premier, and the
Blueberries are BIG and SWEET. PICKING TIP There is still a lot of green on the bushes when you are out there picking. Be sure to pick only the berries that are totally blue, and a little plump. A good rule of thumb is that the berries should fall into your palm as you run your hand over the clump. If the berries are not coming off easily, they are probably not quite ripe (even if they are blue).
PEACHES Begin Today - June 15
Our friend and peach grower, Eldon Zehr, is reducing his peach operation, and we will be selling his peaches this year. The farm where the peaches are grown is in Sandy Springs, south of Clemson (towards Anderson). First Up are the Sure Crop variety
Sure Crop is a yellow fleshed clingstone that is very tasty peach. The next variety wil be the Red Havens, which will come in a week or 10 days from June 15.
We are going to have a lot more peaches than in year's past
so Please spread the word to your peach loving friends!
Market Schedule
You can find us at the following fresh markets:
Pickens Market - Wednesday Mornings
Pendleton Market - Thursday Aftternoons
Greenville Market - Saturday Mornings
What a great beginning to the season! See you on the farm!!
updated 6/1/2010
Blackberries ARE IN!
Blueberries June 17-20
We got the blackberry forecast wrong!! Blackberries ARE IN and we are open for pickers. We are currently picking the Choctaw variety. Choctaw are the ones with small seeds. We will be open the following hours:
8a-5p through Friday June 4
8a-6p on Sat, June 5
Noon to Dusk on Sun, June 6
Regular hours resume on Monday June 7 (and will be posted to the website Sat Jun 5)
We will be at the Pickens market on Wed Jun 3.
From our Happy Berry Newsletter May 21, 2010, we are keeping with our
Beginning Harvest Forecast: for the blueberries and rest. We are projecting at the 70% confidence interval for the specific dates and 95% confidence interval for within 3 days the following harvest dates:
Blueberries – June 17, 2010
Seedless Table Grapes - July 25, 2010
Figs – August 1, 2010
Muscadines - August 25, 2010
Strawberries are winding down for the season.
No Strawberries at The Happy Berry
But you can check out our previous newsletter for our Strawberry Friends!
We are looking forward to a fabulous summer!
updated 5/25/2010
Blackberries June 5-7
Blueberries June 17-20
No Strawberries at The Happy Berry
BUT check out our previous newsletter for our Strawberry Friends!
Happy Berry Newsletter May 21, 2010
Beginning Harvest Forecast:
We are projecting at the 70% confidence interval for the specific dates and 95% confidence interval for within 3 days the following harvest dates:
Blackberries – June 5, 2010
Blueberries – June 17, 2010
Seedless Table Grapes July 25, 2010
Figs – August 1, 2010
Muscadines - August 25, 2010
Weather factor: The winter of 2009-10 was a perfect winter with good chilling hour accumulation (over 1100 hours) with no extremes cold nights with temperature in the single digits, hence no cold injury. It has been a cool spring with not a single frost at The Happy Berry. We have had excellent pollination weather with an excellent population of blueberry bees. We are also proud to say that we have some very large colonies of blueberry bees that we noted while mowing, which bodes well for next year. We are experiencing excellent rainfall with 1 inch or more per week.
We will Open June 5 with limited blackberries and eggs. We will be giving tours of the farm for the benefit of Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA) On June 5 and 6 from 1 to 6 PM each day. So load up the car, van or bus with all the folks you can carry. The price is $10 per vehicle if you do just our farm (or any one, single farm. The price is $30 for all 20 farms or $25 if you pre purchase your button. Tickets can be purchased at the door at any of participating farms, Whole Foods Market, Happy Cow Creamery, Split Creek Farm, at or call CFSA at 919 542 2402. Free tickets are available to volunteers who assist with registering and greeting visitors. Email Kelly Gilkerson at to volunteer. You can link to a Google tour map at Carolina to plan your day. It’s a great way to get know your local farmers.
News: The weather factor we discussed above has resulted in an excellent crop and all the bushes are hanging heavy with berries. I have never seen blueberries as big they are now, a month before the first possible harvest. The Choctaw, Chickasaw, Kiowa, Navaho and Chester Blackberries look excellent. We already have blackberries that are over an inch in length but still very green. We have removed all the Prime Jim and Prime Jan blackberries. They just did not perform as we had hoped as an early crop or as a late crop. The late crop had small berries that dribbled along at the poor picking level. Our conclusion is that these two varieties are just not well adapted to our area. Dr. Clark, the breeder, says there are better blackberry varieties coming.
We have planted Natchez, a new, recently released thornless variety of blackberry. We are removing any fruit that might occur this year so you won’t get to taste it till next year. Natchez is supposed to be an early variety about 5 to 7 days after Choctaw. Choctaw continues to perform after 15 years in the field despite several minor problems where other varieties like Apache and Triple Crown that collapsed from virus disease after 3 to 4 years in the field. We have high hopes for Natchez.
We have started the process of transitioning the blueberries last year and continuing this year from older varieties to newer using varieties like OnSlow, Ira and Robeson. Older varieties are susceptible to late season leaf disease, which results in fewer flowers the following spring. We anticipate the process will take 7 or more years. We have started using blue tubes on new young plants to keep rabbits from eating them and the plants love it. Why the rabbits eat new baby plants when there are ample new sprouts from older plants we do not understand. While picking please be careful of the blue tubes.
The response to the seedless table grapes has been fabulous! We have added more of the Jupiter variety to our daughter Zoë’s front yard. We first saw fruit done this way in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. It was beautiful. It is also in keeping with our philosophy that the home is supposed to be a place of production not just consumerism.
We are excited about using clovers as a substitute for nitrogen fertilizer. Crimson clover is working very well in the seedless table grapes and muscadines for the past three years. Our first try with a more acid tolerant type of winter annual white clover in the blueberries failed. We followed up by very carefully liming to raise the soil pH to 5.5 (less acidic) and replanted again with “Ball Clover.” It worked! So now the plan is to do all the Blueberries. Another characteristic of the new varieties we are transitioning to, Robeson, Premier, Ira and OnSlow is their tolerance to higher soil pH, as much as 6 or even a little higher. We have eliminated the use of pre-emergent herbicides (weed Killers) 4 years ago at The Happy Berry, which has made possible the use of clovers.
Prices will be the same as last year.
See you in the field!
Walker, for The Happy Berry Bunch: Zoe, BettyAnn, Ann, Walker and Juan
updated 4/23/2010
Blackberries June 5-7
Blueberries June 17-20
No Strawberries at The Happy Berry
BUT check out our newsletter below for our Strawberry Friends!
We don’t do strawberries BUT-- Strawberry season is here. Local growers advise that even though they have not had to frost protect it has been a cool winter and spring. The cool weather means the berries are slow to ripen, but our strawberry-farmer friends tell us that with a few warm sunny days and the strawberries will ripen quickly now.
Some local stawberry growers:
Hunter Farms between Easley and Dacusville. If you take route 135 out of Easley just a little ways out of town you will see their sign that will turn you right and then almost immediately left. Then it is several miles and they are on the left. Eric Hunter is forecasting good picking by the 28 or 29 of April and that “it is a great looking crop”. His number is 864 859 2978. He is open 8a until 6p Monday through Saturday.
Hardy Berry farm ( is located on 232 Strawberry Road off of Dobbins Bridge Road 4 miles west of Anderson. Kevin says he will open on Saturday April 24 but says volume will be limited the first couple of day. He expects to reach full volume by Tuesday or Wednesday. They are open 8a to 8p each day. They are also into fresh flour and several other berries including blue and blackberries like us. Their number is 864 224 5441.
Beechwood farm is located 204 Bates Bridge Road near Slater/Marietta SC. There phone is 864 836 6075. They said that they are open now but anticipate supply to be limited initially. They say there will be tons in just a few warm days. Like us at The Happy Berry they only take cash (so no credit cards), thanks.
Happy Cow [330 Mckelvey Road, Pelzer, SC] will have strawberries this year. They are growing organically but Tom points out that they are not certified organic because of the cost of the certification. He tells us that they have not had anything put on them, not even organic plant pharmaceuticals. They use lots of cow manure and it is a plastic culture system. If you headed south on route 25 from Ware Place go 1.9 miles to the second left. That is Mckelvey Road and they will be one mile on the right. Stawberries will be available every other day, pre-picked only, until aprox May 1. By then they anticipate being open every day and open for pick-your-own. Regular hours are Mon-Fri 9a to 7p, and Sat 9a-5p. Call 864 243 9699 for more information.
Callaham Orchards is located off highway 20 in the Cheddar community just outside of Belton SC. If you get to Winston you have gone to far. They will be open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays with a limited supply.They will be open from 9 AM to 6 PM. The strawberry tours are totally booked but other tours like blackberries and peaches are still open. They will start Blackberries and peaches in June. Phone is 864 338 0810, web site, email
Rose Hill Plantation will not have strawberries this year. They will have vegetables and cut flowers. Call first 864 306 0303. They also have a very interesting store on site and carry things like Happy Cow milk. They are located on Three Bridges Road, Easley SC. They have been picking for quite a while since they are in a greenhouse.
At The Happy Berry we are forecasting blackberries to start about June 5 to 7 and blueberries to start about June 17 to 20.
The Happy Berry eggs are available at “Amazing Savings” Main Street in Six Mile SC.
We are very appreciative of all the nice rain… lets hope it keeps up. We have not needed to use the wind machine a single night this year. The crimson clover is in bloom… it is quite a sight to see!
We are forecasting a great- no, a fantastic!- crop of blueberries this year!
On behalf of all of us local farmers…we appreciate your support! Come see us! Anytime!
Walker, for The Happy Berry Bunch: Zoe, BettyAnn, Ann, Walker and Juan

The Happy Berry, Inc.
Mailing Address Only: 120 Kelley Creek Road
Farm Address-No Mail Receptacle: 510 Gap Hill Road
Six Mile, SC 29682
Phone: (864) 868-2946
Farm: (864)