Your Fruit Connection If you would like to be added to our email list please contact us . Typically the newsletter will be short and come out weekly during the harvest season [June to August] to let you what is happening. It also comes out once or twice in off season.
Pick and Pay on the Honor System HI! This will probably the be last newsletter of the season unless something comes up. There are still blueberries in the Centurions and some in pockets elsewhere. The picking is fair. This week will be the last chance for pre-picked blueberries while they last. Best to call ahead. We are on the honor system now so no more coupons, and you will need to bring small bills and change... Here is how it works: Pick your berries or figs ---weigh them on the scale ----calculate what you owe--- and put the money in the "Money here" box by the door. We estimate there will be berries for another two weeks. The picking time per gallon of blueberries will increase steadily from here on out. Fig picking is still good but they hide behind the leaves. We apologize for the Raspberries...They just did not do well at all this year. There are a few out there but you have to hunt for them. We want to thank everyone for being such a great help with the harvest this year. It was a great year! The best ever! We hope your freezer is full and you are ready for the winter. We anticipate starting in early June in 2006. We are hard at work getting things ready for the next crop. We anticipate putting up a barn this winter. Would any of you be interested in participating in an old fashion barn raising?
Lots of Brown Turkey Figs - Celeste are starting. Beautiful day today! Cool breeze. The nicest all summer. Great picking weather! There are still lots of blueberries in the Centurions. The blueberries are in pockets on the rest of the farm and they are excellent quality. From a distance you can't see them but when you walk up to the bush they are on the inside... hidden by the foliage which is growing well thank you! That's next years crop. We are forming flower buds now till the day length drops below 12 hours. In these spots there can be 1/2 gallon to a gallon. Blueberry picking is good! ... but not as good as it was. Still figs and Celeste variety is starting. Still lots of Brown Turkey. Elderberries are gone. Blackberries are gone except for a few in the Prime Jim and Jan. We will keep you posted... we don't know what to expect from this new variety. Raspberry picking is improving and is rated as fair. We have muscadines in the cooler. The variety is Tara. Tara has an edible skin and is very sweet. We are talking about Honor Season and will probably start after labor day Weekend. You pick the berries, you weigh them on the scales and then figure what you owe us and put the money in the "Money Here Box."
Thank you for picking with us!
Now is the time to put away for winter! Fig Picking is STILL Super! Still plenty of blueberries but there are bushes here and there where the customer has done a good job picking the bush clean. We are asking everyone to pick the bush clean. There are still green ones on the bush and they will ripen ...but after this sweep around the farm, which will take about a week, we will down grade the picking. Right now it is still good to excellent. What makes it nice is when you reach for a cluster --- they are all ripe, so you take the whole thing and that makes for fast picking. Well our first "family day blueberry special," Thursday August 25, was a Huge success! One family got 95 pounds another 85 for just $25! There was lots of great deals! Our next "Family Day Blueberry Special" is Saturday August 27. Come join in the end of blueberry season festivities. There are loads of Figs! The fig picking is super. Now is the time to dry bunches of them just so they shrivel a little - like a huge raisin... only better and put them in your freezer. Figs are low fat, low sodium, high fiber (5 grams per serving[3-4 brown turkey figs], 4 insoluble and 1 soluble), cholesterol free and high mineral content. One quarter cup, about 3-4 brown turkey figs has 244 mg potassium, 53 mg of calcium and 1.2 mg of iron. We have a new fig recipe book at the farm.Ask for it if we don't volunteer it. Blackberries are near the end, same as last week. Depending on how good you are you might get some. We are getting a few pints of raspberries. There are still a few elderberries but it is near the end. The concord grapes are gone. We will start picking the Jacquez grapes tomorrow. A small dark blue to black grape that is very tasty. We will have muscadines from an off-farm field, not far from us, that we will be harvesting in about a week to 10 days. Sorry no pick-your-own muscadines. We have planted muscadines so we will have some pick-your-own next year along with more Jacques. Zoe will be planting concords including seedless as well as wine grapes. See you in the field, Walker for The Happy Berry Bunch, Ann, Betty-Ann, Zoe and me!
- but will begin to increase in 7-10 days; Best Year Yet for Figs! Blueberry picking is still excellent. The picking time per gallon is still very very low. The berries are very sweet. There are really big plump ones in the Tifblue. The Climax are meaty and excellent for muffins and pancakes and so sweet. The Centurions are doing it! you just won't believe how good it is ... Powderblue too! But.... the end is in sight ...we are estimating another 7 to 10 days of excellent picking then picking time per gallon will start to increase. The good news though, we will probably be picking blueberries well into September. Fig picking is excellent. The quality this year is super! You can pick as soon as the stem bends, even a little. Remember figs are climacteric- They will continue to ripen even in your refrigerator so plan to use them within a few days of picking. We will start picking Concord grapes 8/19/2005. The Jacques will start in a week or so. They look ripe now, are blue/black in color, but we are letting them hang to sweeten up. The few Blanc Du bois we had are gone and boy were they sweet. We should have a few more next year. We anticipate starting Desert type muscadines about September 1. We will continue to pick elderberries through the week end. In probably another week and they will be gone. Blackberries are about gone ...except that the Prim Jim and Jan are flowering.... so we will have berries in about 30 days. There is a few ripe fruit on Prime Jim and Jan but it takes a lot of walking to gather them. There are some red raspberries. See you in the berry fields! ...Walker
John & Adam Elderberries at Peak Season; and Figs are in Peak Season!! Blueberries are still loaded, especially in the Centurions. But they are still everywhere. In the climax we are what we call muffin berry season. The berries after 7 weeks of picking are smaller and meatier. If you put a big plump berry in a muffin or pancake it is so juicy it does not work as well. The muffin berries are super sweet and work great in muffins and pancakes etc. The Delights ready an oh so good now. Still premier the Tifblue are doing it and are they luscious. We are at peak of fig season. The picking is fantastic. There are lots of Elderberries with John and Adam reaching their peak There are some blackberries but pickings are getting slim ---Mostly in the Chester. There is some raspberries but they are still not doing it yet. It turns out I said to top the black raspberries and I am afraid the reds got topped also. In primo cane bearing berries if you top them it delays harvest. Sorry! They should have started around the 1st of August. They will begin. We are hand weeding them now! So they will be ready for picking soon. We will have just a few Jacques [small, dark red to black, with seeds and very sweet(good for jams, jellies, pies, wine and juice] and Concord grapes,.... probably about this weekend. If you want them probably best to call and reserve them. they went through veraison about the August 1. It is Official! The Happy Berry World Champion blue pickers are Christine and Dennis Dinger at 13.7 pounds per hour per person. Ann Watson, one of our commercial pickers, was runner up at 13.5 pounds per hour and Colleen Blackburn from Seneca was third at 13.2 pounds per hour. The Burgess family, Beaver Donna, Sue and Beau were first place in the volume picked in a single day category with 68.75 pounds. For more details see our web site. Our thanks to all for Participating! See you in the berry fields! Walker for The Happy Berry Bunch
Blueberries are Dripping from the Bushes, Elderberries at Peak Season, and Figs are in! Blueberries continue at peak of season. Quality continues to be super and if you can improve on "super", it is improved. We are picking all varieties. We are seeing some of the biggest berries of the season. They are plump and sweet. Blackberries have slowed up but there is some. Picking is more difficult but avid blackberry fans are still getting nice buckets of them. Figs are in! You know when a fig is ripe not by color but by when the stem bends. When the stem end is straight it is green. Once it bends the fig is climacteric and continues to ripen even in the refrigerator. We pick figs everyday after 11:00 AM. So if you want to get in front of our pickers do it before 11 in the morning. It is peak of elderberry season. Now is the time to get your elderberries. Below is a link to the press release that went out earlier this week about a reception to be held this coming Monday August 8, 2005 to honor the grand prize winners of the blueberry picking contest at the Happy Berry. We have confirmation from Commissioner of Agriculture Hugh E. Weathers that he will be there. It will be the kick off event for the state of South Carolina Governors's Proclamation of "Farmers Market Week." also in attendance will be Tim Todd Executive Director from "Upcountry South Carolina," Evin Evans Treasure of Heritage Corridor Farmers Association and also owner of Split Creek farm, VIcki Fletcher, Executive Director of the Pendleton District Commission and Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. The press will also be coming.
Blueberries are Dripping from the Bushes! Blueberries are at peak of season and oh so sweet, plump and juicy. We are picking all varieties. The Centurions are doing it! You just can't believe it --- they are so plentiful! The Tifblue bushes are just weighted down and need your help to get the weight off the bush so they stand up straight again! The Delights are finally getting sweet! Now is the time if you like this big berry. The Powder blues are in! and there is still Climax and Premier! There are some blackberries but they are slowing up significantly. There will be just a trickle of Prime Jim and Prime Jan the primo cane bearing blackberries. We have pruned the Choctaw and 2/3 done pruning the Kiowa. There are few basal sprouts in the Kiowa that have a couple of berries on them. The figs are dragging there feet... it still looks like another week but boy are the trees loaded! The raspberries are dragging their feet too! They should be in soon. They will start out slow. We are picking elderberries but our patch is small. We are trying to fill all the orders. Please let us know if you want them. Based on the results of the different varieties we test planted, we will plant more Nova and York this winter, in case you are thinking about it too. Week 3 of Berry Picking Contest -- And The Winners are...
In the Pounds per hour category:
Total Volume Picked Category:
The fourth and final week will end on Saturday and the Grand Prizes will be awarded on Sunday Afternoon. We will give you a call if you are a winner. Walker for The Happy Berry Bunch
Elderberry picking begins Just a follow up note from yesterday to let you know we have extended the blueberry picking contest one more week. Picking time per gallon still dropping so we thought we should continue. As far as we can determine we are setting a worlds record for picking rabbiteye blueberries (Vaccinium ashei). We have queried Guinness world records. Does anyone know of any other attempt to set this record? We now have pre picked elderberries available. Limited supply of Nova and York varieties. Walker for The Happy Berry Bunch
Blueberries just DRIPPING from the bushes! Picking time per gallon of blueberries is dropping rapidly. The blueberries are so sweet and just dripping from the bushes. It is peak of season and will remain at peak for 3 weeks or more. The Centurion berries are in! There is still Climax and Premier blueberries available. The Tifblue are just sumptuous! the Powderblue will start very soon. The Delites are ripening .... this is the variety that has a little more bite and a lot of people like it because of this. It also is the biggest blueberry and fills the bucket quickly. Blackberries are slowing up some. We are still listing them as good in the morning to some in the afternoon. The Chester are started. This very prolific variety has lots of red berries that ripen over a long period of time. Many people don't see the ripe berries for the red berries but they are there! There is still some Kiowa down low and up high. The Chickasaw are doing it but will gone soon! We started picking a few elderberries today. The primo cane red raspberry crop will start soon --- a week? --- Figs still look like 2 weeks away.
Picking contest winners for week Two:
Congratulations to all our winners! The grand Prize keeps growing with contributions from our neighboring farms. Come join in the contest. It is lots of fun.
It doesn't Get Any Better Than This! No, Really, the rain has been a blessing, not a curse! Greetings from the Happy Berry, It is peak of season for blueberries. They are everywhere! The rain has been great! It is like $500 bills from heaven. The berries are so plump and juicy. The foliage is lush and just pumping sugar into the berries. We hate that the rain is causing everyone else so much trouble. The only problem we see is that it is chasing the pickers out of field every now and then. If you want to know what weather is happening at the Happy Berry at the moment and coming at us go to our web site and click on the "current conditions" button and then "Storm Movement". Then click on the "base reflectivity loop". Weather radar will come up. We are due west of the radar tower at the Pickens County/Oconee County line. You will be able to see storm movement, what is happening at the moment and what is coming at us. Dennis and Christine Dinger win first prize in the pounds per hour category with 13.7 pounds per hour/per person. They picked 48 Pounds in 105 minutes. Congratulations Dennis and Christine. Second and third place went Bill Hill and Tracy Towel. The 48 Pounds also brought the Dinger's first place in the volume category, In second place was Candy, Norm , Arlyn and Tammy Jimison with 46 pounds. Bill Hill and Tracy and Amy Towel were tied for third place in the volume category. The contest continues this week and next. There will be 2 Grand prizes at the end of the three weeks that are really nice with produce (pumpkins, peaches, apples, Christmas wreaths, and honey as gifts certificates, from area farms and a basket of goodies from the Specialty Products Association not counting what The happy Berry will add to the Grand Prize. Have fun and participate in the contest. There are lots of Happy Berry "T" shirts and hats to win and lots of free berries. The picking conditions are improved so "give it shot" and see if you can beat the Dinger's. To win the volume category all you need is time and lots of pickers! Speed is not an issue. If you are going to pick in the contest be sure to check in with us before you start. Elder berries soon! Figs soon! Blackberries still good but they will be gone soon. See you in the Berry Fields....Walker forThe Happy Berry Bunch!
Blueberry conditions are good to excellent and improving every day! Greetings from the Happy Berry Bunch Ed, Zoe, Dane, Woody, Michael, Walker and Ann We are open July 4, 2005. We will operate normal hours during July 4th weekend. They are: 8 AM till dusk Monday through Friday; 8 AM till 6 PM Saturday; 12 Noon till Dusk on Sunday. Dusk this time year is about 9:00 PM. Blackberry picking is excellent. Now is the time! They will be gone in several weeks. Blueberry picking is good to excellent and improving. The Centurions have started along with the Tifblue and Delights. A word of caution on the Delights…they turn blue before they turn ripe. They are a big berry, so the customer is tempted. GO ahead and eat a few so you can hone in on what is quality. We are just days, if not hours away from there being blueberries just everywhere. There are just a few figs. The main crop will be in August 1, 2005. It promises to be a big Fig Crop. I was just eating the last of our dried sugar figs yesterday. OOOH! Were they good! Elderberries - last week of July. There are just a few raspberries and you must be early to get any.
Blueberry conditions are good and improving every day! We will start the first ever Happy Berry Picking contest this coming Saturday, July 2, 2005. We are really excited! We hope you will participate. It will be fun. Please check our link for the summary and rules. The Choctaw blackberry variety is real sweet now but will be gone soon. The Kiowa and Chickasaw are doing it now and we are seeing 10 and 15 pounder’s come out of the field. We are estimating that we have about 75 tons of berries to harvest this season. Blackberries are pouring out of the field right now. Blueberry picking has moved to good and by this Saturday should be excellent. We are seeing berries starting to ripen on the Tifblue and Centurion varieties. Right now we are picking the Climax and Premier varieties and will be for 4 or 5 more weeks. There will be just blueberries everywhere! It will be peak-of-season soon. Come pick! Bring a Friend! Thanks from The Happy Berry Bunch!
Blueberries are coming on FAST Blackberries are ripe. Blueberry picking conditions are fair.
We are picking all varieties of blackberries except Chester. Blackberry conditions good to excellent The Choctaw, the ones with the small seeds, will be gone soon. The Kiowa, Chickasaw, and Georgia Gem, are approaching peak. Blueberries. We are have been picking Climax and Premier blueberries since June 17, They are ripening fast now with the,… at last…, warmer weather. We are continuing to list conditions as “fair” as there has been heavy picking pressure….Business has been great!!!Yes ! Yes! Yes! Good pickers are coming out the field with really nice buckets of berries. Remember you can't go by sight alone -- you have feel for plumpness. Raspberries, both black and red, continue to ripen but quantity is low so we continue to list conditions as poor. We are operating with a one quart limit per family again this year. Breba[spring] figs are ripening but we are not impressed. The quality is not as good as summer figs that will start August 1. We have sold some Elderberry flowers for tempura [a Japanese procedure to fry them in batter{I think we say fritter here in the south}] they are very light so we had to set the price at $5 per pound…but that is a lot of flowers! First fruit in late July. Grapes are growing. Think Grapes in 2006 [we will have a few Premium muscadines in 2006]. We will have just few pounds of Concords, Jacques and Blanc Dubois this year 2005.
Please come join us in the field!
And Blueberries are coming June 18 Blackberry picking is excellent in the morning …downgrading to good by mid day ….but then increasing back to excellent as picking slows in midday. It only takes a few hours for the blackberries to ripen up. We are picking all varieties Choctaw the most --- but there is some Kiowa, Chickasaw, and Georgia Gem. We have removed all but Chester thornless varieties because of viruses. Think Blueberries! It is a bumper crop of blueberries, with picking forecasted to begin June 18, 2005. We are listing the picking as poor because you have to be a good picker or you will get red berries on the bottom that are not as sweet as they should be. The trick is to feel for the plump berries as you run your fingers over the berry cluster. If your not sure what plump is eat a few till you get it right. We will be picking Climax and Premier. There should be lots more plump berries next week. Breba Figs should be soon but not yet. Black raspberries… just a very few. The flora canes were damaged by the winter. Usually the first picker gets them all. We are operating with a 1 quart limit. Red raspberries will be in July and will be very limited. Elderberries …late July. Summer figs …First of August
But Cool Weather Has Delayed Ripening "It is an ill wind that does not blow some good." The bad news is that the cool weather has slowed the ripening of the blackberries but the good news is that the strawberries are still blooming. Blackberries: The Happy Berry is open as of June 1 but the picking will be very poor. I did eat a ripe blackberry yesterday (May 30th) but they were very scattered. They should pick up by the weekend. It is matter of heat units and…. they are accumulating…. just at a slower rate. As a historical perspective: The earliest we have ever started picking was May 25. This year will be the latest we have ever started.
Strawberries: Since it takes about 28 to 30 days to go from bloom to maturity, strawberry fruit local growers will still be picking the end of June if they don't give up. Usually berry size decreases but the berries seem to get sweeter. Strawberries could go to July 1 !! Call first to check conditions
Blueberries may also be delayed we will keep you updated. The blueberry bushes are loaded! Raspberries had a very tough winter. Most fruiting canes died. The primo canes are growing vigorously. The primocane fruiting varieties will start in July. We have added Caroline and Jaclyn, two more Primocane fruiting varieties. The plan is to go mostly primocane fruiting. There will be a few black raspberries. We will keep you posted. See you in the fields!
Walker for The Happy Berry Bunch!
We will start with the variety Choctaw. It is the one with the smallest seeds. The crop looks excellent! About the third week of June we anticipate the Chickasaw variety will be ready. In early July we anticipate Kiowa variety will be ready. We will have a breba [June] crop of figs, the first in 24 years! And summer figs will start first week of August. The news is we took out all the thornless blackberries because they were dying with a complex of viruses. We have planted back with two primocane bearing varieties [thorny], Prime Jim and Prime Jan in honor of the breeder and his wife who discovered the genes. These varieties will bear fruit on the current season canes in late summer and early fall, a first for blackberries. We are the first in the state to plant these as far as we know. The breeder warns they may not be productive in our area but in research trials in the Pacific Northwest [cooler] they were very productive. We have also planted black and bronze dessert type muscadine grapes. Zoe has bought 3.5 acres adjacent to the farm and plans to plant wine and seedless table grapes on 1.5 acres or so. We anticipate Blueberries to start about June 18. An enormous crop is anticipated. Raspberries will be late this year as we lost many of the fruiting canes to winter weather. Elderberries will be the last week of July. As always the grass is clipped; portable toilets will be available; there will be ice water; wear shoes and dress for the weather; and prices will be the same as last year Please call or email ahead for prepicked orders 864 868 2946 , 864 350 9345 Sincerely, Walker, Ann, Zoe, Betty Ann, Ed, and Woody
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Blueberries - Best Crop Ever! It is official, The Happy Berry will open on June 1 with Choctaw Blackberry. We are still hedging on blueberries- it is a really big crop …enormous!! and may take a few more days to start this year over previous years. We are thinking about 15 to 20 th of June. More about strawberries! The Happy Berry does not have Strawberries….But…. Strawberry season is in full swing! In addition to Kevin Hardy and Eric Hunter, mentioned in the last newsletter, we have two other friends in the strawberry business. One of them, Curtis Tilson you might remember. He is back in business. His farm is located 8 miles north of Walhalla and 2.5 miles south of Route 130 on Highway 11. He is about 4 miles off of Highway 11 on the mountain side. He has lots of signs so just follow the signs. In addition, Happy Cow Creamery, Tom Tratham,(which has non-homogenized milk that is pasteurized at 145 degrees instead of 165 degrees used in flash pasteurization- check out his website) has strawberries too. He is located off of Route 25 about 8 miles south of the toll road on the south side Greenville. Watch for his sign on the left about 1.5 miles south of Ware Place. Eric Hunter, north of Easley on Jameson Road and Kevin Hardy in Anderson on Strawberry Lane report they are at peak right now and will remain that way till a couple weeks into June. See you in the berry fields. Walker for The Happy Berry Bunch!
Estimated Opening Day is June 1, 2005 We have dubbed 2005 the year of the blueberry. It has been one the nicest springs ever well at least since 1979 when we started. We have not had a single damaging frost. The bushes are loaded. It has been rainy -- and that is good! but we had some days when bee activity was low. Blueberries must be pollinated and cross-pollination is best. This may be a blessing in disguise though as you can get to many berries on a bush. Ideally you want to set only about 80% of the flowers. Despite the viruses we left the Kiowa, Chickasaw, Georgia Gem and Choctaw blackberries. The Choctaw will start June 1, 2005. We took out all the Apache Blackberries and replanted with muscadine grapes, the big sweet desert types both black and bronze. In keeping with your wishes we replanted with Prime Jim and Prime Jan primocane bearing blackberries. We don't know what to expect. These are the first ever to be planted in this area. We will tip them to delay harvest till as late as possible as the research results in the Pacific Northwest indicate they like cooler weather there, better than in Arkansas where they were discovered. Looks like we will have a breba [spring] crop of figs. This will be the first year since we started figs. Most years it is just a summer crop. We will keep you posted.
Eric Hunter is located off of 183 between Pickens and Greenville. If you are headed east on Route183 once you past the four-way stop at Route 135 you can turn right on Jameson Rd. If you are coming out of Easley on 135, about 1 mile or so before you get to 183 you can turn right on Jameson Rd. I was talking with the Hunters and they are taking orders for pre picked berries. Call 859 2978. Be sure to leave your name, time of pick up, a contact number in case there is a problem. Kevin Hardy also has strawberries as well as other berries. He is located near Anderson. Go west on Dobbins Bridge Rd off of by-pass Route 28 [If you are headed east it is after you pass Highway 24]. Go 3.5 miles and turn left on to Strawberry Lane. Kevin said it would be Monday or Tuesday. He said the cool weather today and tomorrow might slow things up a day or so. The Hardy’s number 224 5441 if you wish to leave an order don't forget the details. Other news on the farm: Our daughter Zoe has bought 3.5 acres adjacent to the farm. We will put a small barn, seedless grapes and a few wine grapes along the right side of the driveway coming in.
The season will be here before you know it!